5th Global Security Forum was inaugurated by the Prime Minister

14 Mar 2023

5th Global Security Forum was inaugurated by the Prime Minister

The 5th Global Security Forum was inaugurated by the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs HE Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani today. It is held under the theme "Reshaping the Global Order: Conflict, Crises, and Cooperation" at the Sheraton Doha Hotel.

The Prime Minister, at the beginning of the opening ceremony, delivered a speech that highlighted the most prominent challenges facing the world at the level of regional and international security, and the monopoly exercised over basic commodities as a result of wars and crises. His Excellency indicated that success in overcoming various challenges remains dependent on the ability of all countries to adhere to basic principles agreed upon by all countries like justice, equality, solidarity, and the rejection of double standards.

He also indicated that the politicization of basic goods such as energy, water and medicine is no less dangerous for the most vulnerable peoples from the effects of wars and conflicts, indicating that the Middle East region, which has been the scene of crises for several decades, desperately needs a sustainable framework to ensure peace and stability in the long term. It is based on the principles of dialogue, mutual respect and non-interference in the internal affairs of states.

His Excellency explained that the State of Qatar, in light of the successive global crises, took early steps to stabilize supply and supply chains, realizing the importance of increasing local production of basic goods and diversifying supply chains to enhance its national security, stressing that Qatar will spare no effort in working with its partners. International organizations to achieve global food security, and to exchange experiences with them in these areas.

With regard to the challenge of environmental protection and global energy security, the Prime Minister affirmed that the State of Qatar has adopted a realistic approach for years that combines environmental protection and fair energy security for all, indicating that Qatar has provided European countries with energy during their current crisis, and that it will play a major role in a serious and responsible energy transition, especially in light of increasing its production capacity to 126 million tons by 2026.

His Excellency indicated that the State of Qatar follows an approach that combines national and humanitarian development internally, and a foreign policy based on balancing principles and interests and mediation in resolving disputes by peaceful means, referring to Qatar's achievements in this field, and to its impressive success in organizing a World Cup that carried a message of peace and harmony among the people. Qatar and the Arab world to the whole world. The Prime Minister alluded to the efforts of the State of Qatar in supporting humanitarian work in countries that are exposed to disasters and humanitarian crises or the least developed countries around the world.

The opening was attended by a number of Their Excellencies sheikhs, ministers and heads of participating delegations, as well as a number of Their Excellencies ambassadors accredited to the state, senior officials, experts and academics specialized in global security issues, and journalists. 




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