Expo 2023 Doha will become the first A1 International Horticultural Exhibition in the entire Middle East and North Africa region

26 Jul 2023

Expo 2023 Doha will become the first A1 International Horticultural Exhibition in the entire Middle East and North Africa region

When Expo 2023 Doha opens on October 2 in Al Bidda Park, it will make history as the first A1 International Horticultural Exhibition in the Middle East and North Africa area. The six-month event, themed 'Green Desert, Better Environment,' will take place at specific sites encompassing a total of 1,700,000SqM.

In addition to highlighting the richness of the region's agricultural goods, the expo will include a Farmers Market. “The market is a space where farmers and growers can showcase their produce to the public and where attendees can chat with and support local businesses. International pavilions will also benefit from free space to sell their local agricultural produce of fruits and vegetables,” said the short description at Expo 2023 Doha’s official website.

Expo 2023 Doha will focus on new agriculture ideas and practises that blend traditional and modern technology for resource conservation. While the Expo will largely focus on improving farmers' responsibilities, it will also bring people and ideas together to stimulate innovation, research, and scientific developments in contemporary agriculture. Expo 2023 Doha is anticipated to bring governments, companies, and individuals from all over the world together to discover innovative environmental and horticultural solutions.

Several Qatari organisations and organisations have partnered, with the Expo, Qatar Airways, and the Hamad International Airport being the most recent examples. The Expo's officials recently signed a collaboration agreement with the General Secretariat of the Gulf Cooperation Council, making it more appealing to the GCC area.

During a stunning ceremony, Expo 2023 Doha's National Committee Chairman and Minister of Municipality Dr Abdullah bin Abdulaziz bin Turki Al Subaie formally received the event's flag from 2019 organisers Beijing, China.




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