Katara fashion show “Elegance Inspired by Authenticity” commences today
01 Dec 2022
News Katara Fashion show
Katara will open several new exhibitions and events including the Katara Fashion Show today, which will begin at 8pm at the Opera House. The show titled “Elegance Inspired by Authenticity” will continue until December 4. The event is unique in Qatar as it reflects Qatari women’s passion for heritage and originality, and their innovative modern designs. About 16 fashion designers from Qatar and the Arab countries are participating at the Katara Fashion Show. The days of the show include four nights, each night dedicated to designs that blend the spirit of the past and the present with innovative modern touches. Four Gulf designers participate in each of these nights.
The description of the “Katara Fashion Show” nights is as follows: A review of four collections of luxurious fashion inspired by the marine environment, and Amal Al Raisi, from the Sultanate of Oman, Sarah Al Ansari, a Qatari designer, Iman Ahmed, a rising Emirati designer, Al Anoud Jassim, a Qatari designer, also participates in this night.
The second night show “Al Qumra,” is inspired by the Bedouin environment, and focuses on highlighting the desert Bedouin inscriptions.
The third night show: “The Kindergarten,” is inspired by flowers and plants of the Qatari environment and reflects the rainy spring weather in the Gulf.
The fourth night show: “The Bride” is characterised by a distinctive and charming character, and shows costumes inspired by the night of henna.