A circular was issued by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education to the Public and Private schools, which clarifies the distribution of first semester grades for the 2022/2023 academic year based upon Ministerial Resolution No (2). This decision came after the cancellation of the mid-term examination.
The recent decision is based on public interest requirements. The total grade allocated for the first semester is 40 marks. 20 marks for assessing students’ performance in the first half of the first semester. Their evaluation degree for this period is calculated from 21 August to 29 September 2022.
Evaluation tools for the first, second, and third grades include short class assessments, which have two marks. Not exceeding the two assessments, students perform a short assessment according to each subject. 8 marks were allocated for class participation, 8 marks for assignments, and two marks for the systematic activity or project. Students’ grades were monitored in National Student Information System (NSIS) in the same field designated for it and certificates are issued for the same period referred to above.
In the second half of the first semester, 20 marks are assigned to assess students’ performance. The student’s evaluation score for this period is calculated from 2 October to the end of the first semester exams on 6 November 2022. The degree distribution is done according to the approved assessment tools used. According to the policy of assessment, two marks are allocated for classroom assessments, half a mark for class participation, two marks for assignments, half a mark for curricular activity, and 15 marks for the end of the first-semester exam.
Coming to the second semester, the total assigned score will be 60 marks. The grades shall be distributed to the mid-term and end-of-term exams in accordance with the approved evaluation policy in force.
For grades four to eleven of the first semester, the total score allocated will be 40 marks. Evaluation of students in the first semester is explained as follows. In the first half of the first semester, 5 marks are allocated for assessing students’ performance. If we calculate students’ assessment scores from 21 August to 29 September 2022 using the assessment tools, it would be 10 marks each for class participation, assignments, and curricular activity. 5 marks would be monitored in the system.
National Student Information Systems (NSIS) is used to monitor the grades of students in their designated fields and issue certificates based on the information. In the second half of the first semester, 5 marks are allocated to assess the performance of students. The student's evaluation degree for this period is calculated from 2 October till the end of first semester exams on 6 November 2022.
An oral, written, and practical is conducted according to the nature of each subject with standardized questions in the first-semester course. Marks are allocated on the basis of this first-semester test. The total score allocated for the second semester is 60 marks. The grades are distributed on the basis of work submitted, mid-term test, and second-semester exams. It is all in accordance with the approved evaluation policy in force.
Moreover, the circular directs schools to issue students’ performance reports and certificates for all grades from the first to the eleventh day of the academic year. When it comes to adult education (first to eleventh), the distribution of grades shall be in accordance with the approved evaluation policy. And for the twelfth grade, the distribution of grades for the first, second, and second semesters, the monitoring of grades, and the issuance of certificates shall be in accordance with the approved evaluation policy in force.