Global travel site Big 7 Travel released the annual list of 'The 50 Best Islands In The World' recently based on aggregated scores from previous social media results and contributions from the Big 7 Travel editorial team. Purple Island in Qatar was named one of the Best Islands in the World in a diverse list that spans from the secluded island of Mnemba in Tanzania to the Aegean paradise island of Bozcaada in Turkey.
Purple Island, Qatar was listed by the website, describing it as an island with a fascinating history as it once was a temporary campsite for trade with Bahrain and used by fishermen and pearl divers since 2000 BCE. It added, "everyone's talking about Qatar this year thanks to the FIFA World Cup, but if you’re looking for some respite from the crowds, you might want to consider hopping across to one of the nation’s islands. Unlike many of Qatar’s islands, Purple Island isn’t manmade and instead boasts a fascinating history… it’s home to some fascinating ruins, as well as a wide variety of birds and marine animals."