Qatar has been ranked 26th Best Place for Expats in 2022 and 8th in the world in the Best Quality of Life for Expat Women category according to the InterNations Expat Insider Report 2022.
Qatar also finished fourth in the Health and Well-Being subcategory of the Quality of Life Index.
In another ranking, Qatar placed 8th in the Expat Essentials Index. All Gulf States except Kuwait make it into the top 10.
The Index surveyed 52 countries in four subcategories. In the Digital Life category, Qatar ranked 17, stayed 10th in Admin Topics, 24th in Housing and 4th in Language.
The InterNations’ Expat Insider 2022 survey, released on Tuesday, included responses from nearly 12,000 people covering 177 nationalities and living in 181 countries or territories.
The survey covers expats’ satisfaction with the quality of life, ease of settling in, working abroad, and personal finance in their respective country of residence. For the first time, the survey included the new Expat Essentials Index, which covers digital life, admin topics, housing, and language.
According to the survey, four out of five Gulf States rank in the top 10 for Language, mostly because it is easy to live there without local language skills.
According to InterNations, the Admin Topics subcategory includes the ease of getting a visa, dealing with local bureaucracy, and opening a local bank account.
Digital Life covers the availability of government services online, the ease of getting high-speed Internet access at home, cashless payment options, and unrestricted online access.
In the Language subcategory, respondents rated how easy it is to learn the local language(s) and to live abroad without speaking them, while the Housing subcategory covers the affordability and availability of local housing.
Recently, Qatar topped the countries of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region for the fourth year in a row, according to the Global Peace Index Report for 2022. Qatar ranked 23 globally among 163 countries included in the report, advancing by six places over the previous year.
Last month, Qatar also ranked 18 in The World Competitiveness Yearbook 2022 out of 64 countries. The report is published annually by the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) in Switzerland.
Source: The Peninsula, Qatar