Qatar Red Crescent Society announced the allocation of USD one million to ensure the operability of emergency, surgery, and ICU departments at Gaza hospitals

14 Oct 2023

Qatar Red Crescent Society announced the allocation of USD one million to ensure the operability of emergency, surgery, and ICU departments at Gaza hospitals

The Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) has declared that one million US dollars will be provided from its Disaster Response Fund for an emergency intervention plan that will initially supply ambulances, medical supplies, and much-needed medications to keep Gaza hospitals' emergency, surgery, and intensive care units operational. In a press release, QRCS said that its office in Gaza has already begun a phase-1 emergency response project worth USD 200,000. This project entails providing medical supplies and medications to hospitals run by Palestine's Ministry of Health (MOH) to enable them to continue offering emergency medical services (EMS) to injured parties.

The humanitarian situation in Gaza has been continuously monitored by QRCS and its representative offices in Gaza, Al Quds, and the West Bank throughout the previous week. In order to gather timely information, assess the damage, and work with the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) and other international humanitarian organisations in Gaza, QRCS established its Disaster Information Management Centre (DIMC) on day one. Sincere condolences are being sent by QRCS to PRCS for the loss of four paramedics who were performing their duties in the field. It emphasised that first responders and healthcare professionals are not targets and denounced the attacks on them.

Article 3 of the Four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Second Additional Protocol, which state that "the wounded and sick shall be collected and cared for," should be followed in letter and spirit, according to QRCS, a member of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, which is dedicated to protecting the weak and easing their suffering. The criminalization of assaults on hospitals, medical facilities, and healthcare personnel is another aspect of international humanitarian law, or IHL. The Red Crescent insignia represents a pledge of protection and should be honoured.



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