The renovated Doha Port continues to draw travellers; upto 12,000 persons per day can be accommodated at the new passenger terminal
16 Jun 2023
According to a General Authority of Customs (GAC) representative, even after the World Cup, the renovated Doha Port continues to draw travellers and ships, particularly during the "tourist season." Up to 12,000 persons per day can be accommodated at the new passenger terminal at the Doha Port.
Authorities said in April that Doha port had a record-breaking tourism season, with 273,666 visitors arriving on 55 cruises, a 62% increase over the previous season. Additionally, the report noted that 19,400 visitors had travelled from Doha.
"Doha Port continues to draw a number of maritime passengers leaving and entering the nation. According to Dr. Abdulhadi Al Sahli, Director of the Maritime Customs Administration, "there is a period known as the "tourist season," which is organised in coordination with the Tourism Authority, and passenger ships are received continuously and daily during the scheduled period. In addition, Dr. Al Sahli mentioned that the GAC adheres to stringent inspection procedures at marine ports. All of the belongings of travellers, according to him, are scrutinised and screened, and before being subjected to X-ray screening, items are carefully checked against the necessary paperwork.
Additionally, commodities in the green lane and those produced by organisations signed up with the Authorised Economic Operator initiative are given preference. "Smuggling is combated according to the targeted and suspicious countries using assistance such as X-ray examination devices, canine and physical inspection," he added in reference to the fight against unlawful commercial activity.
The GAC Maritime Customs Administration inspects transportation boats and keeps track of the flow of persons and cargo in and out of the country. Six departments make up the administration: Revenue, Post-Audit, Mesaieed Port Customs, Ras Laffan Port Customs, Hamad Port Customs, and Al Ruwais Port Customs.
Dr. Al Sahli claims that the Hamad and Al Ruwais Port Customs are commercial ports that deal with all different kinds of products, including basic groceries, building supplies, and building materials.
Industrial ports Ras Laffan and Mesaieed Port Customs departments provide goods including oil, petrochemicals, gas and basic building supplies to Qatar's industrial sector. The Doha Port, on the other hand, keeps track of visitors. The Department of Revenue and Post-Audit is in charge of collecting outstanding fees, processing requests for the recovery of unpaid fees, and completed customs data.