Smart Metering Infrastructure Project, one of the most prominent projects of Qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation (Kahramaa) for digital transformation, targets to install 600,000 advanced digital meters to read energy consumption more accurately and effectively and transmit the required information safely and quickly. Kahramaa has installed 280,000 smart meters of electricity and water equipped with Internet of Things (IoT). Sharing the progress of its smart meter project in 2022 in a recent statement, Kahramaa said: “Teams of engineers and experts supervised the installation and operation of about 41,000 smart electricity meters until the end of November 2022.”
It said that about 21,000 smart water meters were installed and operated during the same period. As many as 17,500 old meters were replaced and smart meters were installed, and about 35,000 traditional water meters were replaced with smart meters.
The smart meters provide real-time readings of power consumption, a better understanding of consumption pattern and enhanced ability of customers to make rationalisation decisions.
The smart meters also enable customers to monitor their consumption, which support the objectives of the National Programme for Conservation and Energy Efficiency (Tarsheed).
Smart Metering Infrastructure project is playing a strategic role in Qatar’s transition to smart cities and offers an advanced and reliable infrastructure to sustain the national economy.
Smart meters are highly accurate and send consumption data automatically via a dedicated safe network without the need for manual meter readings.
This advanced system enables Kahramaa to control performance better through a flexible system that proactively adapts to changes in the network’s needs, contributing to achieve Qatar’s goals related to smart cities.
The project also provides an Internet of Things platform and suite of applications that helps Kahramaa to unify devices, grid infrastructure and market operations through a single unique architecture.
The smart meter project is part of massive efforts of Kahramaa to adopt the latest technologies available globally to develop its operation and raise the efficiency of its services.
The updated Kahramaa app was launched on smart phones, which came with a modern design and distinguished services that made the customers’ experience better than ever.
Emphasizing the importance of creativity and innovation and making it a work methodology, Kahramaa President Eng Issa bin Hilal Al Kuwari launched the new website of the Creativity, Innovation and Scientific Research Incubator at the Corporation.
The new design of the incubator website is modern, interactive and easy to use.
In a related context, Kahramaa announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Qatar Research, Development and Innovation Council, aiming at cooperation in order to benefit from advanced technology and innovation to conserve water and energy resources in Qatar.