The great Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev composed many of his most popular works in 1936, including Peter and the Wolf. Prokofiev subtitled the work "an orchestral fairy tale for children", but he should have added "and for adults". The compelling writing appeals to people of all ages.
A narrator tells the story of Peter and the wolf, and the orchestra musically portrays the unfolding events for the audience.
Participants will only be admitted if their EHTERAZ status is Green.
Event Details:
Location: The Hamilton International School Theatre
Date: 16 September 2022
Time: 06:00 pm
Ticket Purchase: Online
Price: Front Orchestra - 100QR Center Orchestra - 100QR Middle Orchestra - 100QR Upper Orchestra - 100QR Side Orchestra - 100QR 1st Floor - 100QR
Email: qpoboxoffice@qf.org.qa