Abdullah Abdulghani & Bro. Co. (AAB), the distributors for Toyota vehicles in Qatar, has launched the 16th edition of Toyota Dream car drawing competition. The local competition began on November 24 and will continue until January 31, 2023. The competition is available for children residing in Qatar of three age groups, namely, under 7 years old, 8-11 years old and 12-15 years old. Dream car is a global competition that allows emerging youth talents to unleash their creative imaginations and express their ideas in shaping the future of the transportation sector.
The top 3 artworks from each age category in Qatar National contest will be announced on Toyota Qatar website and prizes will be awarded to the winners. Both original artworks and digital data will be acceptable. The recommended size is A3 or tabloid size. (A4, quarter, and octavo sizes are also acceptable.) Any drawing materials can be used, such as color pencils, markers, crayons, or paints. Multiple submissions are allowed from the same person, however, only one prize will be awarded per person.
Unacceptable Artworks:
• Collaborative artwork drawn by multiple individuals
• Artwork created by a person other than the participant.
• Piece with incomplete Entry Forms or missing information
• Drawings fetching photographs
• Drawings that resemble the famous paintings and the previous Toyota Dream Car Art Contest artworks
• Drawings including trademarked characters, logos, and specific goods.
• Submissions that have previously been released, submissions that have been entered in other contests, and submissions that infringe on a third party’s copyrights will not be accepted
Application forms and rules & regulations of the competition can be found in the Toyota Qatar website: https://www.toyotaqatar.com/dream-car-contest. All drawing should be submitted to Toyota Showroom City center branch (Ground floor) on or before January 31. 2023.
National Contest: (1) Artworks entered are judged as the Qatar Contest (National Contest). Top 3 excellent artworks are to be selected from each category.
(2)The top 3 place in each category in the Qatar Contest (National Contest) will be submitted to the World Contest that will be held in Japan.
World Contest: (1) In the World Contest, these entries selected from each country and region will be judged by a jury panel, where award winners will be selected.
MECA (Middle East & Central Asia) Contest: The MECA Awards will be selected from among the entries submitted in accordance with The 16th Toyota Dream Car Art Contest Entry Terms and Conditions R.K. Murugan AAB CEO highlighted on the keenness of AAB and Toyota Motor Corporation to sharpen imagination and creative thinking among young people. We believe that children are our future and that their dreams are important. That’s why we hold the Toyota Dream Car Art Contest - to encourage creativity and inspire kids to chase their dreams. We hope that by drawing their dream cars, they’ll have fun and realize just how vital their dreams are. As a manufacturer, Toyota is committed to supporting children’s dreams and believes in their importance.
Qatar has registered distinguished participation in the past editions of the competition through many promising drawings, and we are always happy with what young minds offer in terms of their visions about the future of mobility.
Abdullah Abdulghani & Bros. Co. W.L.L. (AAB) was established in 1958 as part of Qatar’s infrastructure development. In 1964, AAB was awarded the Toyota Dealership. As one of the forerunners of successful businesses in Qatar, AAB has established a name for itself with sound business practices and ethics – a reputation earned through honesty, integrity and impeccable relationship with its customers, business partners and employees.
AAB has grown to be one of Qatar’s leading automobile companies with operations spanning heavy equipment, pre-owned vehicles, rental and leasing.